I have to apologize for taking me so long to post something but have been busy doing some research therefore I decided that i will post tid-bits of interesting information that I'm learning during the process:
In Chinese medicine we say that Common cold or any upper respiratory infection (wind-cold) enter through the nape of the neck, why? because a few days prior to an acute respiratory infection or attack the levator scapulae's trigger points activate eliciting stiff neck or pain in the neck....
Did you know that people taking some anti-depressants gain wait due to an activation of alpha-noradrenergic receptors or deactivation of beta-noradrenergic receptors? Beta receptors stops feeding while alpha stimulates feeding.
Did you know that an increase on melatonin inhibits or reduces sexual activity? That is why warmer seasons and longer days are associated with fertility (ie, the Spring season). Melatonin is synthesized from serotonin by taking from it a methyl group from SAMe and an acetyl group from Acetyl-CoA.
Did you know that CKK (Cholecystokinin) modulates the release of dopamine while somatostatin and Substance P does the same with GABA and Serotonin respectively?
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