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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Osteoporosis and Men

The American College of Physicians (ACP) has issued guidelines for older men regarding osteoporosis. According to this institution they are expecting to see a rise of 50% on cases of osteoporosis in men. What are the guidelines to determine who is a candidate for osteoporosis medications? These are the guidelines: 1. Body Mass Index (MBI) less than 20-25 kg/squared meter 2. Weight loss of more than 10% 3. Sedentary life or a non active life 4. Previous fractures due to osteoporosis 5. Use of certain medications that lead to osteoporosis (corticosteroids or others like prednisone) 6. Low calcium diet Natural way of avoiding osteoporosis 1. Weight lifting (No is not for body builders, weight lifting force bones to be stronger and keep its density) 2. Eat your dark green leafy vegetables 3. Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. 4. Do acupuncture (Of course, it will help the body to get back to balance)

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